Andrea Calisi
I have always been attracted about an Anglo-Saxon literature of the late 19th century. The mysterious and perturbant atmosphere of the great novels of that period inspire all the illustrations presented. Thinking to “Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hide” by R. L. Stevenson, “Murders in the Rue Morgue” by E. A. Poe (it is set in Paris, but with a gloomy mood), “Frankestein” by M. Shelley and “Sherlock Holmes” by A. C. Doyle and thinking to the verses of Baudelaire and Rimbaud. Starting from the atmosphere described from these authors I have tried to interpret the tones full of darkness and Victorian decadence; the soul is the centre of everything, loneliness, light, shadows, spleen. And then an homage to the craziness and desperation of Vincent Van Gogh, to his magnificent pictorial grandeur.
Illustrator: Andrea Calisi @andreacalisi68
All illustrations copyright Andrea Calisi. REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED, means that the resale and reproduction, even partial, in any manner and form, of Andrea Calisi’ illustrations are prohibited. Anyone wishing to use the contents must have to ask in any case written authorization to Andrea Calisi.

July 21st, Encounters

The torments of Vincent

London, 1889

The day of the raven


As far as the shadows go