Hengki Koentjoro
Hengki Koentjoro is an accomplished photographer, specialising in capturing the spectral domain that lies amidst the shades of black and white. Delving into what he believes to be his true purpose in life’s journey of expression, he indulge himself in the art of black and white photography on the side. Exploring along the borderlines of light and shadow, yin and yang. Celebrating complexity in the minimalist. Diving into the spiritual in the physical. “Photography can never be separated from the aspects of making the common things unusual, welcoming the unexpected, indulging and embracing ourselves with the joy of photography”—Hengki Koentjoro, 2013
Photographer: Hengki Koentjoro @hengki_koentjoro_images
All photographs copyright Hengki Koentjoro. REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED, means that the resale and reproduction, even partial, in any manner and form, of Hengki Koentjoro’ photographs are prohibited. Anyone wishing to use the contents must have to ask in any case written authorization to Hengki Koentjoro.